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The Newsletter to support the Western Balkans' knowledge societies and ecosystems
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Updates from the region
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Kosovo *
North Macedonia
The theme of the month
Digital Transition | Digitalisation I ICT
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Focus article
The Western Balkans on the Pathway towards Digital Transition
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Other highlights
Other News
Other Calls
Other Events
Other Resources
Other Programmes/Policies
Other Initiatives
Other Organisations
Updates from the region
Western Balkans
Apply Now for The Western Balkans Innovation Vouchers Pilot Programme, the Deadline has been Prolonged⇾
The POLICY ANSWERS Western Balkans Mobility Scheme for Early-Career Researchers is Waiting for Your Application!⇾
How to find an appropriate Research Infrastructure or Host Institution for your WB Mobility Scheme Project?⇾
The POLICY ANSWERS Policy Report and Brief: Digital Transformation in the Western Balkans have been published⇾
Growth and Convergence for the Western Balkans Six Conference was held in Tirana in February⇾
Winners of the Western Balkans Women Entrepreneurs of year 2023 announced⇾
EC has opened Calls to invest over €176 million in Digital Capacities and Tech⇾
Visegrad Fund and Western Balkans Fund launch Joint Fellowship Programme⇾
Regional Digital Innovation Hubs Workshop in Podgorica⇾
Introducing the New Look of the Western Balkans Info Hub⇾
New Growth Plan for the Western Balkans⇾
Call for Applications: Western Balkans Innovation Vouchers Deadline: 20 November 2024
Western Balkans Mobility Scheme: A POLICY ANSWERS Pilot Programme - Call for Applications (Closed) Deadline: 26 June 2024
Call for Registration to POLICY ANSWERS´ Monthly Webinars on Aligning Priorities in the Western Balkans Deadline: 26 June 2024
Call for Proposals for Topics of the POLICY ANSWERS´ Monthly Webinars Deadline: 24 April 2024
Call for Participation: Genesis StartUp Academy Deadline: 28 April 2024
Circular Biobased Economy (CBE) Joint Undertaking (JU) Call 2024 Deadline: 18 September 2024
COST Open Call 2024 Deadline: 23 October 2024
EEN2EIC: Open Call for Local Nodes Deadline: 1 March 2025
EUREKA Open Call for Network Projects Applications Deadline: 31 December 2025
3rd POLICY ANSWERS Webinar: Overview of the Western Balkans on its Pathway to implement the Green Agenda – Challenges, Best Practices and Recommendations 25 April 2024⇾
POLICY ANSWERS Webinar: Mission-oriented Innovation: Status and Future Opportunities for the Western Balkans 27 May 2024⇾
POLICY ANSWERS Webinar: Innovating the Food System: Status and Future Opportunities of European Partnerships for the Western Balkans 27 June 2024⇾
Circular Biobased-Economy (CBE) Joint Undertaking (JU) Info Day Call 2024 - incl. travel grants 23 April 2024, Brussels and online⇾
The External Dimension of EU-supported Connectivity: from Berlin Process to Global Gateway 24 April 2024, Tirana⇾
Digital Entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans 24 April 2024⇾
EU Missions Info Days 25 - 26 April 2024⇾
Research Management and Administration (RMA) Network: V4+WB Training School in Banja Luka 15 - 16 May 2024, Banja Luka⇾
Online b2match Meeting for Innovative Companies: FINNOvation MeetEENg 16 May 2024⇾
91st Bologna Follow-up Group Meeting in Tirana 21 - 31 May 2024, Tirana⇾
Regional Event on "Future of Work Revisited - Platform Work in the age of AI" 22 - 23 May 2024, Belgrade⇾
Meeting of the Western Balkans Steering Platforms on Culture, Education and Training & Research and Innovation (3-5 June 2024, Skopje) 3 - 5 June 2024, Skopje⇾
International Workshop on Promoting AI-Supported Eco-Activism in the Western Balkans 26 - 27 September 2024, Prilep⇾
POLICY ANSWERS Policy Report and Brief: Digital Transformation in the Western Balkans⇾
Western Balkans Mobility Scheme: A POLICY ANSWERS Pilot Programme - Guide for Applicants⇾
FAQ - Western Balkans Mobility Scheme Call for Applications⇾
Roadmaps on the Research Infrastructures of Western Balkans Economies⇾
Emerging ICT Clusters in the Western Balkans: A Convergence Model based on Financial Statement Analysis⇾
New Growth Plan for the Western Balkans - Factsheet⇾
Programmes & Policies
World Bank Programmes for the Western Balkans⇾
Bioeconomy Excellence Alliance for Stimulating Innovative and Inclusive Green Transition (BEAMING)⇾
SMART4ALL - Selfsustained Cross-border Customized Cyberphisical System Experiments for Capacity Building among European Stakeholders⇾
POLICY ANSWERS Policy Report and Brief: Digital Transformation in the Western Balkans
Our new Policy Report presents a comprehensive analysis of the digitalisation landscape in the WB, while the Policy Brief provides an executive summary of the report.
A new Erasmus+ Project on Digital Education will equip Higher Education Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania⇾
Unpacking the Growth Plan: CDI Organises First Dedicated Event in Tirana⇾
EUREKA Western Balkans Call for Projects 2024 Deadline: 15 May 2024
Call for Application: Regional Open Data Challenge 2024 Deadline: 3 May 2024
Interreg Europe restricted Call to join Projects Deadline: 7 June 2024
Interreg Euro-MED: 4th Open Call - Thematic Projects Deadline: 12 June 2024
The External Dimension of EU-supported Connectivity: from Berlin Process to Global Gateway 24 April 2024, Tirana⇾
91st Bologna Follow-up Group Meeting in Tirana 21 - 31 May 2024, Tirana⇾
UNECE 8th Expert Meeting on Statistics for Sustainable Development Goals & Workshop 15 - 17 October 2024, Tirana⇾
Open Data Maturity (ODM) Reports 2023⇾
Bioeconomy Excellence Alliance for Stimulating Innovative and Inclusive Green Transition (BEAMING)⇾
New Energy Competence System and Technology for WB Energy Stability System Curriculum Reform (NEST4WB)⇾
Enhancing Knowledge and Skills at WB HEIs in preparation for Zero Carbon Maritime Transport and Logistics Society (Zero C)⇾
Digital Education Readiness in the field of Higher Education (DERHE)⇾
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina's Participation in the Digital Europe Programme has been endorsed⇾
Digitalisation: A New Boom for the Financial Sector of North Macedonia⇾
Universities of Mostar and Sarajevo has joined the European University for Peace, Justice, and Inclusive Societies⇾
E-signature in Action in BiH - Progress in the Implementation of Electronic Identification in Bosnia and Herzegovina⇾
Seminar on "Intellectual Property at the University" was held at the University of Banja Luka⇾
Lecture on the Role of Generative AI in Teaching Preparation was held at the University of Banja Luka⇾
A two-day Workshop on Personal Data Protection was held at the University of Banja Luka⇾
The ChemTeach Project has Officially Started⇾
Representatives of the University of Banja Luka at the Meeting and Workshops within the BEAMING Project⇾
Promotion of the Gender Center of the University of Sarajevo (UNIGeRC - UNSA)⇾
The University of Sarajevo hosted a two-day Workshop on the Establishment of RESILIENCE Infrastructure⇾
Promotion of Horizon Europe Project: „SOS4Democracy“ – Social Sciences for Democracy at UNSA⇾
A new Erasmus+ Project on Digital Education will equip Higher Education Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania⇾
Artificial Intelligence in Education - Uses and Impacts introduced to Teachers in Bosnia and Herzegovina⇾
EC has proposed to open EU Accession Negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina⇾
Call for Application: Regional Open Data Challenge 2024 Deadline: 3 May 2024
Interreg Europe restricted Call to join Projects Deadline: 7 June 2024
Interreg Euro-MED: 4th Open Call - Thematic Projects Deadline: 12 June 2024
New European Bauhaus Festival Satellite event in Sarajevo: VUCKO THE ARCHITECT- Reconnecting with Sarajevo's Olympian spirit 20 April 2024, Sarajevo⇾
2nd International Conference on Digital Transformation in Education and Artificial Intelligence Applications 24 - 26 April 2024, Mostar⇾
World IP Day 2024 at UNSA 26 April 2024, Sarajevo⇾
International Conference On Advances In Traffic And Communication Technologies - ATCT 2024 6 - 7 June 2024, Sarajevo⇾
15th Days of BHAAAS in Bosnia and Herzegovina (registration fee) 20 - 23 June 2024, Sarajevo⇾
POINT 12 Conference 24 - 26 June 2024, Sarajevo⇾
8th International Conference on Engineering Technology and Innovation - ICETI 2024 2 - 6 October 2024, Sarajevo and Online⇾
Open Data Maturity (ODM) Reports 2023⇾
EC Report on progress in Bosnia and Herzegovina - March 2024⇾
Strengthening Capacities and Mechanisms for Enhancement of Quality Assurance System in Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina (SMEQA)⇾
Bioeconomy Excellence Alliance for Stimulating Innovative and Inclusive Green Transition (BEAMING)⇾
Social Sciences for Democracy Project (SOS4Democracy)⇾
3F-COOP: Footwear Fast Forward Cooperation - Innovative Agile Training Programme and Training Opportunities for the Digital and Green Twin Transition in Bosnia and Herzegovina⇾
New Energy Competence System and Technology for WB Energy Stability System Curriculum Reform (NEST4WB)⇾
Digital Education Readiness in the field of Higher Education (DERHE)⇾
EU4DigitalSME - Innovation and Digitization of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina⇾
Equality Diversity and Inclusion for Research Enhancement in Bosnia and Herzegovina⇾
Kosovo joined the Digital Europe Programme⇾
Progress on Digital Education Initiatives in Kosovo⇾
Women in Tech Kosovo represented at Global Summit⇾
Information and Communication Technology Association of Kosovo (STIKK) Approves New Services for Continuous Growth of the ICT Sector in Kosovo⇾
Panel Discussion on report "An Absent Therapy for Healthcare Financing" was organised by Riinvest⇾
Call for Participation: Genesis StartUp Academy Deadline: 28 April 2024
Digital Skills Festival 2024 announced by Innovation Training Park in Prizren 25 May 2024, Prizren⇾
Programmes & Policies
e-Government Strategy Kosovo 2023-2027⇾
New Energy Competence System and Technology for WB Energy Stability System Curriculum Reform (NEST4WB)⇾
Supporting Digitalisation in Schools Across Kosovo⇾
A new Erasmus+ Project on Digital Education will equip Higher Education Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania⇾
Digital Europe Progamme: DIGITAL-2024-AI-ACT-06-INNOV - EU AI Innovation Accelerator preparatory action Deadline: 29 May 2024
Digital Europe Progamme: DIGITAL-2024-AI-ACT-06-SANDBOX - AI regulatory sandboxes: EU-level coordination and support Deadline: 29 May 2024
Digital Europe Progamme: DIGITAL-2024-AI-ACT-06-TESTAI - Pilot action for the establishment of future Union Testing Facilities in AI Deadline: 29 May 2024
Digital Europe Programme: Cloud, data and artificial intelligence (DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-DATA-06) Deadline: 29 May 2024
EUREKA Western Balkans Call for Projects 2024 Deadline: 15 May 2024
Call for Application: Regional Open Data Challenge 2024 Deadline: 3 May 2024
Call for bilateral projects: Montenegro - Slovenia (2025-26) Deadline: 10 May 2024
Interreg Europe restricted Call to join Projects Deadline: 7 June 2024
Interreg Euro-MED: 4th Open Call - Thematic Projects Deadline: 12 June 2024
Public Call for Innovation Vouchers (Innovation Fund of Montenegro) Deadline: 31 December 2024
Open Data Maturity (ODM) Reports 2023⇾
Rulebook on National Standards for the Digitisation of Library Materials⇾
Digitalisation of Schools in Montenegro⇾
Digital, Inclusive and Transformative Montenegro: Quality Education for all⇾
New Energy Competence System and Technology for WB Energy Stability System Curriculum Reform (NEST4WB)⇾
Enhancing Knowledge and Skills at WB HEIs in preparation for Zero Carbon Maritime Transport and Logistics Society (Zero C)⇾
Digital Education Readiness in the field of Higher Education (DERHE)⇾
North Macedonia
Challenges and Opportunities for Improvement - An Overview of the Digitalisation Process in North Macedonia⇾
Green Chromatographic Methods for Quality Control of Medicines - a New Project at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University⇾
North Macedonia’s new Railway Link: A Step towards EU Integration and Economic Revitalisation⇾
WBC-RRI.NET Final Conference on "Sustaining Responsible Research and Innovation in the Western Balkans"⇾
Digital Europe Progamme: DIGITAL-2024-AI-ACT-06-INNOV - EU AI Innovation Accelerator preparatory action Deadline: 29 May 2024
Digital Europe Progamme: DIGITAL-2024-AI-ACT-06-SANDBOX - AI regulatory sandboxes: EU-level coordination and support Deadline: 29 May 2024
Digital Europe Progamme: DIGITAL-2024-AI-ACT-06-TESTAI - Pilot action for the establishment of future Union Testing Facilities in AI Deadline: 29 May 2024
Digital Europe Programme: Cloud, data and artificial intelligence (DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-DATA-06) Deadline: 29 May 2024
Call for Application: Regional Open Data Challenge 2024 Deadline: 3 May 2024
Interreg Europe restricted Call to join Projects Deadline: 7 June 2024
Interreg Euro-MED: 4th Open Call - Thematic Projects Deadline: 12 June 2024
First Conference on Green Engineering - Sustainable Materials and Technologies for Circular Economy 22 - 23 April 2024, Skopje⇾
Bioeconomy Excellence Alliance for Stimulating Innovative and Inclusive Green Transition (BEAMING)⇾
Serbia´s Green Revolution⇾
Digital Europe Progamme: DIGITAL-2024-AI-ACT-06-INNOV - EU AI Innovation Accelerator preparatory action Deadline: 29 May 2024
Digital Europe Progamme: DIGITAL-2024-AI-ACT-06-SANDBOX - AI regulatory sandboxes: EU-level coordination and support Deadline: 29 May 2024
Digital Europe Progamme: DIGITAL-2024-AI-ACT-06-TESTAI - Pilot action for the establishment of future Union Testing Facilities in AI Deadline: 29 May 2024
Digital Europe Programme: Cloud, data and artificial intelligence (DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-DATA-06) Deadline: 29 May 2024
Interreg Europe restricted Call to join Projects Deadline: 7 June 2024
EUREKA Western Balkans Call for Projects 2024 Deadline: 15 May 2024
Call for Application: Regional Open Data Challenge 2024 Deadline: 3 May 2024
Public Call for Innovation Vouchers (Innovation Fund of Serbia) Deadline: 31 December 2024
Regional Event on "Future of Work Revisited - Platform Work in the age of AI" 22 - 23 May 2024, Belgrade⇾
12th Congress of the Balkan Geophysical Society: Geophysics for the Better World (registration fee) 27 - 31 May 2024⇾
3rd PROFEEDBACK Training School: Introduction to Qualitative and Participatory Methods 9 - 11 July 2024, Belgrade⇾
Open Data Maturity (ODM) Reports 2023⇾
Guidelines for the Digitisation of Cultural Heritage in the Republic of Serbia⇾
Bioeconomy Excellence Alliance for Stimulating Innovative and Inclusive Green Transition (BEAMING)⇾
Digital Transition | Digitalisation I ICT
The European School Education Platform offers a rich Set of Courses, Webinars and Events on Digital Education and AI⇾
Guidelines on the responsible use of Generative AI in Research Developed by the European Research Area Forum⇾
Challenges and Opportunities for Improvement - An Overview of the Digitalisation Process in North Macedonia⇾
Digitalisation: A New Boom for the Financial Sector of North Macedonia⇾
E-signature in Action in BiH - Progress in the Implementation of Electronic Identification in Bosnia and Herzegovina⇾
Seminar on "Intellectual Property at the University" was held at the University of Banja Luka⇾
Lecture on the Role of Generative AI in Teaching Preparation was held at the University of Banja Luka⇾
A two-day Workshop on Personal Data Protection was held at the University of Banja Luka⇾
The University of Sarajevo hosted a two-day Workshop on the Establishment of RESILIENCE Infrastructure⇾
Kosovo joined the Digital Europe Programme⇾
A new Erasmus+ Project on Digital Education will equip Higher Education Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania⇾
Progress on Digital Education Initiatives in Kosovo⇾
Women in Tech Kosovo represented at Global Summit⇾
Information and Communication Technology Association of Kosovo (STIKK) Approves New Services for Continuous Growth of the ICT Sector in Kosovo⇾
Artificial Intelligence in Education - Uses and Impacts introduced to Teachers in Bosnia and Herzegovina⇾
EC has launched AI Innovation Package to support Artificial Intelligence Startups and SMEs⇾
European Approach to Artificial Intelligence⇾
Europe’s Digital Decade: Digital Targets for 2030⇾
EC has opened Calls to invest over €176 million in Digital Capacities and Tech⇾
Panel Discussion on report "An Absent Therapy for Healthcare Financing" was organised by Riinvest⇾
EC presents New Initiatives in Advanced Materials, a Key Enabling Technology for the Twin Green and Digital Transition⇾
Digital Europe Progamme: DIGITAL-2024-AI-ACT-06-INNOV - EU AI Innovation Accelerator preparatory action Deadline: 29 May 2024
Digital Europe Progamme: DIGITAL-2024-AI-ACT-06-SANDBOX - AI regulatory sandboxes: EU-level coordination and support Deadline: 29 May 2024
Digital Europe Progamme: DIGITAL-2024-AI-ACT-06-TESTAI - Pilot action for the establishment of future Union Testing Facilities in AI Deadline: 29 May 2024
Digital Europe Programme: Cloud, data and artificial intelligence (DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-DATA-06) Deadline: 29 May 2024
Call for Application: Regional Open Data Challenge 2024 Deadline: 3 May 2024
Call for Participation: Genesis StartUp Academy Deadline: 28 April 2024
Fundingbox is looking for Deep-tech Experts Deadline: 28 April 2024
AI Data Robotics Association (ADRA) Partnership Information Day and Brokerage Event 2024 (Horizon Europe Cluster 4, Digital Europe programme and EIC Accelerator) 17 April 2024, Brussels⇾
2nd International Conference on Digital Transformation in Education and Artificial Intelligence Applications 24 - 26 April 2024, Mostar⇾
Digital Entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans 24 April 2024⇾
Digital Education Action Plan in Review 29 April 2024, Brussels⇾
Online b2match Meeting for Innovative Companies: FINNOvation MeetEENg 16 May 2024⇾
International Conference On Advances In Traffic And Communication Technologies - ATCT 2024 6 - 7 June 2024, Sarajevo⇾
POINT 12 Conference 24 - 26 June 2024, Sarajevo⇾
South East European Software Testing Conference Zagreb SEETEST 2024 (with participation fee) 26 - 27 September 2024, Zagreb⇾
8th International Conference on Engineering Technology and Innovation - ICETI 2024 2 - 6 October 2024, Sarajevo and Online⇾
POLICY ANSWERS Policy Report and Brief: Digital Transformation in the Western Balkans⇾
The Western Balkans on the Pathway towards Digital Transition⇾
Emerging ICT Clusters in the Western Balkans: A Convergence Model based on Financial Statement Analysis⇾
Living Guidelines on the Responsible Use of Generative AI in Research⇾
Mapping of Digital Innovation Hubs and Identification of Needs within Western Balkans and of Prospective Regional Cooperation Actions⇾
Policy Programme: a Path to the Digital Decade - factsheet⇾
Guidelines for the Digitisation of Cultural Heritage in the Republic of Serbia⇾
Rulebook on National Standards for the Digitisation of Library Materials⇾
Digitalisation of Schools in Montenegro⇾
Digital, Inclusive and Transformative Montenegro: Quality Education for all⇾
3F-COOP: Footwear Fast Forward Cooperation - Innovative Agile Training Programme and Training Opportunities for the Digital and Green Twin Transition in Bosnia and Herzegovina⇾
3D printesr and scanner lab⇾
Supporting Digitalisation in Schools Across Kosovo⇾
SMART4ALL - Selfsustained Cross-border Customized Cyberphisical System Experiments for Capacity Building among European Stakeholders⇾
Other highlights
International Ministerial Meeting in Brussels endorses Statement on Principles and Values for International Cooperation in R&I⇾
Circular Biobased Economy (CBE) Joint Undertaking (JU) Call 2024 Deadline: 18 September 2024
COST Open Call 2024 Deadline: 23 October 2024
EEN2EIC: Open Call for Local Nodes Deadline: 1 March 2025
EUREKA Open Call for Network Projects Applications Deadline: 31 December 2025
[Call for Action] Join the Mission Charter for EU Mission: Restore our Ocean and Waters! Deadline: 31 December 2030
The New European Bauhaus (NEB) 2024 Festival 18 - 20 April 2024, Brussels⇾
Horizon Europe Info Day - WIDERA Work Programme 2023-2025 22 April 2024⇾
EU Missions Info Days 25 - 26 April 2024⇾
Annual EU Budget Conference 2024 - Looking ahead: the EU Budget of the Future 29 April 2024, Brussels⇾
European Year of Skills – What Comes Next? 30 April 2024, Brussels⇾
9th Annual EUSAIR Forum 15 - 16 May 2024, Šibenik⇾
Online b2match Meeting for Innovative Companies: FINNOvation MeetEENg 16 May 2024⇾
Third Forum of the Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change 23 May 2024⇾
Fair, Green and Digital Transition in Education and Labour Market Policies - 12th International Stakeholder Conference of EUSDR Priority Area 9 "People & Skills" 23 May 2024, Vienna⇾
EU Green Week 2024 29 - 30 May 2024⇾
ECSITE 2024 on Science Engagement 5 - 8 June 2024, Ljubljana⇾
CEEISA International Studies Association Joint International Conference 2024: Knowing the global-local: Imagining pasts, debating futures 18 - 21 June 2024, Rijeka⇾
13th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region 20 - 21 June 2024, Vienna⇾
European Urban Resilience Forum (EURESFO) 2024 26 - 28 June 2024, Valencia⇾
UNECE 8th Expert Meeting on Statistics for Sustainable Development Goals & Workshop 15 - 17 October 2024, Tirana⇾
REvaluation Conference 2024 4 - 6 December 2024, Vienna⇾
New European Innovation Agenda on the move⇾
Horizon Europe Strategic Plan 2025-2027⇾
The second Horizon Europe Strategic Plan 2025-2027 sets Direction to the Future of R&I (factsheet)⇾
European AI Office⇾
We are always here to talk
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The Western Balkans Information Hub acts as a source of high-quality targeted Information on research, technology and innovation but also education, culture, youth and sports in, with and for the Western Balkans. It is supported by the project POLICY ANSWERS, funded by the Horizon Europe programme - Grant Agreement no. 101058873, and coordinated by Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI)
*Kosovo This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
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