Western Balkans Mobility Scheme: A POLICY ANSWERS Pilot Programme – Guide for Applicants

!!! The deadline of the Western Balkans Mobility Scheme Call for Applications has been prolonged to 26 June 2024 !!!

This guide contains two chapters, the first, chapter 1, dealing with more general information on the application process as Questions and Answers and the second, chapter 2, providing you with a detailed guideline on how to apply at https://ptoutline.eu/app/wbms. In the annex you find the current draft of the financial support contract, which we provided for transparency reasons already in this guide. Please note, that this is only a draft and subject to changes.

Please consult the POLICY ANSWERS website with all call-related documents at https://www.westernbalkans-infohub.eu/calls/western-balkans-mobility-scheme/ before you start the application process.

If your questions are neither answered at the POLICY ANSWERS website nor within this guide for applicants, please contact the Joint Call Secretariat at DLR-PT (e-mail: calls-europe@dlr.de).

Please find the Guide for Applications and the related Annex below.

Geographical focus:

Thematic domains:

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