Delivering the European Green Deal – towards a coherent and integrated EU ocean policy framework for offshore renewable wind energy and biodiversity

Date: 16 May 2024

Type of event: Roundtable debate, Zoom event

The European Green Deal (EGD) brings forth a comprehensive set of objectives and targets that are relevant for the use and protection of our oceans. A major challenge is the realisation of these ocean-related objectives. Current governance landscapes are multi-sector, multilevel and complex and the pathway towards the achievement of the EGD ambitions for the European seas is not straightforward.

In this roundtable, the role of policy coherence and institutional integration for delivering the EGD will be discussed, with a focus on offshore wind energy and biodiversity. The first results of two Horizon Europe research projects (CrossGov and PERMAGOV) that both study how to navigate the complexity of EU marine governance under the EGD to develop a coherent and integrated EU ocean policy framework will be presented. 

Together with EU policy makers, who will share insights from their policy areas, this roundtable sheds light on how insights from scientific research within the two projects can contribute to better integration and coherence between offshore renewable energy and biodiversity ambitions. This roundtable is of relevance for policy makers, stakeholders, and researchers involved in EU marine governance.

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  • Introduction:
  • Panel debate:
    • Eloïse Couffon, Policy Officer at the Directorate General for Energy of the European Commission
    • Antonia Leroy, Head of Ocean Policy at WWF European Policy Office
    • Celine Frank, Policy Officer on Maritime Spatial Planning and the Blue Economy Sectors, DG MARE, European Commission
    • Alice Belin, Policy officer, Directorate-General for Environment (DG ENV), European Commission


  • Thorjørn Larssen, Deputy Managing Director of The Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA)


11h00 – 11h20: Introduction

11h20 – 12h20: Roundtable debate

12h20 – 12h45: Q&A





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