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The Newsletter to support the Western Balkans' knowledge societies and ecosystems
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Updates from the region
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Kosovo *
North Macedonia
The theme of the month
Meetings of the Western Balkans Steering Platforms
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Focus article
POLICY ANSWERS review of the progresses shared at the Meeting of the WB Steering Platforms in June
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Other highlights
Other News
Other Calls
Other Events
Other Resources
Other Programmes/Policies
Other Initiatives
Other Organisations
Updates from the region
Western Balkans
Western Balkans Mobility Scheme Closed with Good Response from Early-career Researchers⇾
European Heritage Hub Announces Grants to 7 Heritage Projects in the Western Balkans⇾
Western Balkans R&I updates - a review by POLICY ANSWERS⇾
[Event Review] Implementation of the European Research Area (ERA) in the Western Balkans⇾
Western Balkans Talents Selected for EIT Jumpstarter Bootcamps 2024⇾
The European Training Foundation in the Western Balkans⇾
[Event Review] Workshop on Western Balkans European Research Area (ERA) reporting, 5 June 2024 -Skopje⇾
2024 EIT Jumpstarter Cohort selected with strong participation from Western Balkans⇾
[Event Review] Western Balkans Steering Platforms Meeting on Culture, Education and Training & Research and Innovation (Skopje, 3-5 June 2024)⇾
Have your say on Creative Europe - public call open until 6 September 2024⇾
Workshop: How to Initiate Sustainable Changes in your Company by Implementing Green Transformation? (Video)⇾
Shape the Future of Soil Education: Participate in the LOESS Survey!⇾
Biodiversity Task Force for the Western Balkans⇾
Exploring Political Dynamics Between Western Balkans and Central Europe: An Electronic Survey and Policy Recommendations⇾
POLICY ANSWERS presented at the official launch of the European Insitute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) RIS Hub Montenegro⇾
FAQ - Western Balkans Innovation Vouchers Call for Applications⇾
60 new COST Actions approved in May 2024⇾
Watch the Recordings of the POLICY ANSWERS Webinars!⇾
Western Balkans Ministers of European Affairs and Finance met with focus on Growth Plan and Regional Cooperation⇾
Key Points of the Online Workshop on Critical Raw Materials Potential in the Western Balkans Region⇾
Western Balkans European Research Area (ERA) Country Reports 2023⇾
RCC Balkaton 5.0: Competition for Digital Innovation in the Western Balkans is Open Deadline: 5 July 2024
Call for Proposals: Sustainable High-throughput Production Processes for Stable Lithium Metal Anodes for Next Generation Batteries Deadline: 5 September 2024
Call for Proposals: Post-Li-ion technologies and relevant manufacturing techniques for mobility applications (Generation 5) Deadline: 5 September 2024
Call for Proposals: Synergy with National and Regional Initiatives in Europe on Innovative Materials Deadline: 10 September 2024
Circular Biobased Economy (CBE) Joint Undertaking (JU) Call 2024 Deadline: 18 September 2024
Call for Proposals on EU Mission "Adaptation to Climate Change" (HORIZON-MISS-2024-CLIMA-01) - 9 topics Deadline: 18 September 2024
Call for Proposals on EU Mission "Restore Our Oceans and Waters" (HORIZON-MISS-2024-OCEAN-01) - 5 topics Deadline: 18 September 2024
Call for Proposals on EU Mission “Restore Our Oceans and Waters” (HORIZON-MISS-2024-OCEAN-02) – 2 topics Deadline: 18 September 2024
European Molecular Biology Laboratory Calls for Input to the 'Discover Your World: Molecular Wonders of Nature' Science-Art Project Deadline: 18 October 2024
COST Open Call 2024 Deadline: 23 October 2024
Call for Applications: Western Balkans Innovation Vouchers Deadline: 20 November 2024
EEN2EIC: Open Call for Local Nodes Deadline: 1 March 2025
EUREKA Open Call for Network Projects Applications Deadline: 31 December 2025
Applications Open for Summer School for Students and Researchers Knowledgeable About the Danube Region 16 - 22 July 2024, Sarajevo⇾
POLICY ANSWERS Webinar: Challenges and Opportunities for the Mission-oriented Implementation of Climate Adaptation and Sustainable Cities 18 July 2024⇾
Colloquium: Beating Cancer with SEEIIST while Shaping Science in South-East Europe" by Dr. Sanja Damjanovic 29 August 2024⇾
International Workshop on Promoting AI-Supported Eco-Activism in the Western Balkans 26 - 27 September 2024, Prilep⇾
International Physics Conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina - PHYCONBA 2024 (Registration Fee) 26 - 27 September 2024, Sarajevo⇾
Conference of Chemists, Technologists and Ecologists of the Republic of Srpska 18 - 19 October 2024, Banja Luka⇾
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Symposium 2024 21 - 23 October 2024, Berlin⇾
BIOEAST and BEYOND High level Conference on CEE R&I priorities for soil, fresh water resilience, food system security and bioeconomy related policies 4 - 6 December 2024, Budapest⇾
EU-Western Balkan cooperation through Erasmus+⇾
Grant Scan for Digital Innovation Hubs⇾
Strengthening the R&I capacity in the Western Balkans through knowledge valorisation⇾
The Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans at a glance⇾
Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council 2023-2024⇾
Hungarian EU Presidency Priorities in the Context of the BIOEAST Initiative and Strong Engagement of Western Balkans⇾
Environment and Climate in EU Enlargement⇾
Smart specialisation development in the WBs: State of play and JRC support⇾
Smart Specialisation in the Western Balkans: potential for knowledge-based economic cooperation (2024)⇾
Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans (CC4WBs)⇾
TRATOLOW (Transition towards low emissions and climate-resilient economy in the Western Balkans and Türkiye)⇾
EU support to Western Balkan Six Chamber Investment Forum for the Development of the Common Regional Market⇾
Western Balkans Innovation Vouchers Call Deadline Prolonged
The call will be open until 20 November 2024
[Event Review] Horizon Europe Stakeholder Workshop in Albania⇾
Scientific Collaboration between Albania and Kosovo and Infrastructure Supported in Albania⇾
Call for Applications: Western Balkans Innovation Vouchers Deadline: 20 November 2024
COWEB International Workshop 3 - 5 July 2024⇾
UNECE 8th Expert Meeting on Statistics for Sustainable Development Goals & Workshop 15 - 17 October 2024, Tirana⇾
European Research Area (ERA) Country Report 2023 for Albania⇾
COWEB - Promoting and Facilitating Collaborative Virtual International Learning in the Western Balkans Higher Education Institutions⇾
EU for Inclusion in the Labor Market (EU4LMI)⇾
Biodiversa+ partnership supporting excellent research on biodiversity⇾
Durana Tech Park⇾
Union for the Mediterranean Secretariate⇾
EIT RawMaterials Regional Innovation Center⇾
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina Hosts Horizon Europe Info Day to Promote EU Research and Innovation⇾
Creative Europe Offers Opportunities for BiH Cultural Sector⇾
Three Western Balkans Regions are part of the Regional Innovation Valleys Receiving Support from the European Commission⇾
The European Researchers' Night in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2024-2025⇾
Training on “Organising and Managing Research Support Services” at University of Banja Luka organised mid May 2024⇾
Second EU – Bosnia and Herzegovina Horizon Europe Joint R&I Committee Meeting Successfully Held⇾
Call for CEEPUS Scholarships for the Academic Year 2024/2025 Deadline: 15 October 2024
Call for Applications: Western Balkans Innovation Vouchers Deadline: 20 November 2024
COWEB International Workshop 3 - 5 July 2024⇾
8th International Conference on Engineering Technology and Innovation - ICETI 2024 2 - 6 October 2024, Sarajevo and Online⇾
International Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications – INDEL 2024 (Registration Fee) 6 - 8 November 2024, Banja Luka⇾
European Research Area (ERA) country report 2023 for Bosnia and Herzegovina⇾
COWEB - Promoting and Facilitating Collaborative Virtual International Learning in the Western Balkans Higher Education Institutions⇾
Union for the Mediterranean Secretariate⇾
Training in the "Cultural Heritage in Janjevë" project⇾
Kosovo Archival Material Digitization: New High-Resolution Scanners in Action, 1.4 Million Documents Scanned⇾
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center has been Established in the University of Pristina⇾
Skills for the Labor Market - Fit for Jobs project provides free IT Training to 240 Young People in Pristina⇾
The Center for Education of Youth and Adults has been opened in Prizren⇾
Call for Applications: Western Balkans Innovation Vouchers Deadline: 20 November 2024
COWEB International Workshop 3 - 5 July 2024⇾
European Research Area (ERA) Country Report 2023 for Kosovo⇾
COWEB - Promoting and Facilitating Collaborative Virtual International Learning in the Western Balkans Higher Education Institutions⇾
Biodiversa+ partnership supporting excellent research on biodiversity⇾
Innovation and Training Park (ITP) Prizren⇾
Third Meeting of the Horizon Europe EU-Montenegro Joint Research and Innovation Committee⇾
[Event Review] Unleashing the innovation potential in Montenegro and Western Balkans - Official Launch of the EIT Community RIS Hub Montenegro⇾
Three Western Balkans Regions are part of the Regional Innovation Valleys Receiving Support from the European Commission⇾
Montenegro and Austria Launch Joint Scientific Cooperation Projects for 2024-2026⇾
Expansion of EduRobotic Project Nationwide⇾
POLICY ANSWERS partners celebrate the grand opening of the Science and Technology Park of Montenegro⇾
POLICY ANSWERS participated in the European Fair in Montenegro⇾
POLICY ANSWERS presented at the official launch of the European Insitute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) RIS Hub Montenegro⇾
Call for Applications: Western Balkans Innovation Vouchers Deadline: 20 November 2024
Public Call for Innovation Vouchers (Innovation Fund of Montenegro) Deadline: 31 December 2024
COWEB International Workshop 3 - 5 July 2024⇾
European Research Area (ERA) country report 2023 for Montenegro⇾
Digital Technologies for Food Safety Decision Support (FoodDecide)⇾
COWEB - Promoting and Facilitating Collaborative Virtual International Learning in the Western Balkans Higher Education Institutions⇾
Union for the Mediterranean Secretariate⇾
North Macedonia
Second EU – North Macedonia Joint R&I Committee Meeting under Horizon Europe⇾
Three Western Balkans Regions are part of the Regional Innovation Valleys Receiving Support from the European Commission⇾
Skopje has been Declared the European Capital of Culture for 2028⇾
Skopje's STEM Academy Triumphs at Global Robotics Olympiad in Crete⇾
Renewable Energy Fair at Skopje City Mall⇾
Erasmus+ Info Centre Opens in Bitola to Support Youth⇾
Smart Specialisation Strategy of the Republic of North Macedonia 2024-2027 and the Action Plan 2024-2025⇾
Call for Applications: Western Balkans Innovation Vouchers Deadline: 20 November 2024
A Roadmap towards Circular Economy of North Macedonia⇾
Smart Specialisation Strategy of the Republic of North Macedonia 2024-2027⇾
European Research Area (ERA) country report 2023 for North Macedonia⇾
Igniting Innovation Capacities - EIT Community RIS Hub North Macedonia⇾
Union for the Mediterranean Secretariate⇾
Together 4 Circular⇾
Call for Applications: Western Balkans Innovation Vouchers Deadline: 20 November 2024
Public Call for Innovation Vouchers (Innovation Fund of Serbia) Deadline: 31 December 2024
3rd PROFEEDBACK Training School: Introduction to Qualitative and Participatory Methods 9 - 11 July 2024, Belgrade⇾
European Research Area (ERA) country report 2023 for Serbia⇾
ERC project in Serbia: Numerically exact theory of transport in strongly correlated systems at low temperature and under magnetic fields (Acronym: SCLoTHiFi)⇾
Fund for Innovation Activities⇾
Meetings of the Western Balkans Steering Platforms
Western Balkans R&I updates - a review by POLICY ANSWERS⇾
The European Training Foundation in the Western Balkans⇾
[Event Review] Western Balkans Steering Platforms Meeting on Culture, Education and Training & Research and Innovation (Skopje, 3-5 June 2024)⇾
EU-Western Balkan cooperation through Erasmus+⇾
Strengthening the R&I capacity in the Western Balkans through knowledge valorisation⇾
Smart specialisation development in the WBs: State of play and JRC support⇾
Smart Specialisation in the Western Balkans: potential for knowledge-based economic cooperation (2024)⇾
Hungarian EU Presidency Priorities in the Context of the BIOEAST Initiative and Strong Engagement of Western Balkans⇾
Environment and Climate in EU Enlargement⇾
Other highlights
2024 EIT Jumpstarter Cohort selected with strong participation from Western Balkans⇾
Shape the Future of Soil Education: Participate in the LOESS Survey!⇾
60 new COST Actions approved in May 2024⇾
Western Balkans Mobility Scheme: A POLICY ANSWERS Pilot Programme – Call for Experts (Closed) Deadline: 14 July 2024
Call for Proposals: Sustainable High-throughput Production Processes for Stable Lithium Metal Anodes for Next Generation Batteries Deadline: 5 September 2024
Call for Proposals: Post-Li-ion technologies and relevant manufacturing techniques for mobility applications (Generation 5) Deadline: 5 September 2024
Call for Proposals: Synergy with National and Regional Initiatives in Europe on Innovative Materials Deadline: 10 September 2024
Call for Members of the Evaluation Committee for the Western Balkans Innovation Voucher Pilot Programme - Closed Deadline: 11 October 2024
COST Open Call 2024 Deadline: 23 October 2024
Public Call for Innovation Vouchers (Innovation Fund of Serbia) Deadline: 31 December 2024
Public Call for Innovation Vouchers (Innovation Fund of Montenegro) Deadline: 31 December 2024
EEN2EIC: Open Call for Local Nodes Deadline: 1 March 2025
EUREKA Open Call for Network Projects Applications Deadline: 31 December 2025
Annual conference of the European Association for International Education (EAIE) Toulouse 2024 17 - 20 September 2024, Toulouse⇾
ERA 2024: Stakeholder Conference on the European Research Area 18 September 2024⇾
South East European Software Testing Conference Zagreb SEETEST 2024 (with participation fee) 26 - 27 September 2024, Zagreb⇾
UNECE 8th Expert Meeting on Statistics for Sustainable Development Goals & Workshop 15 - 17 October 2024, Tirana⇾
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Symposium 2024 21 - 23 October 2024, Berlin⇾
REvaluation Conference 2024 4 - 6 December 2024, Vienna⇾
We are always here to talk
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The Western Balkans Information Hub acts as a source of high-quality targeted Information on research, technology and innovation but also education, culture, youth and sports in, with and for the Western Balkans. It is supported by the project POLICY ANSWERS, funded by the Horizon Europe programme - Grant Agreement no. 101058873, and coordinated by Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI)
*Kosovo This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
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