Western Balkans Mobility Scheme: A POLICY ANSWERS Pilot Programme – Call for Experts (Closed)

22 April - 14 July 2024

Please note: This call is now closed.

It was prolonged in revised form until 14 July 2024.

The Call for reviewers within the Western Balkans Mobility Scheme for Early-Career Researchers is out! DLR-Projektträger invites experts to support review process in Horizon Europe project POLICY ANSWERS.

On 28 March 2024 the Horizon Europe project POLICY ANSWERS published the Western Balkans Mobility Scheme (WBMS). This scheme invites researchers from Western Balkan economies to apply for a research stay in a different Western Balkan economy. More information on this scheme is provided here.

Reviewers must have:

  • appropriate English language skills;
  • at least more than five years of active postgraduate research experience.

There are no thematic restrictions to the call, and experts of all thematic fields are invited to register. Your expertise will be sought in case of matching applications. The reviews are expected to be conducted from 15 July to 18 August 2024.

A one-stage process for the scheme will be deployed, and proposals will have a project description of no more than four pages. Reviews are designed not to be time-consuming and will be remunerated at a symbolic rate of 25 € per review. Two reviewers are foreseen per application. A guide for reviewers will be provided soon and made available on this website.

The registration process should take around 10 minutes to complete. It will comprise 4 sections, one of them asking you to upload your updated CV. Please register until 14 July 2024!

The POLICY ANSWERS team is excited to receive your registration. In case of any questions please contact: calls-europe@dlr.de

Geographical focus:

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