Shape the Future of Soil Education: Participate in the LOESS Survey!

The LOESS project, part of the Horizon Europe initiative, is excited to announce the launch of its comprehensive online questionnaire aimed at educators across Europe. This survey, developed by Leopold-Franzens University Innsbruck, is a crucial step in understanding the barriers and needs related to soil education and is vital for shaping the future of how we teach topics related to soil health.

Soil is the foundation of our ecosystems and crucial for food production, biodiversity, and climate regulation. However, soil health is often overlooked in educational curricula. Your input will help develop innovative teaching materials and learning opportunities tailored to the needs identified by educators like you. These resources will be designed to engage students and overcome existing barriers to soil education.

Who Should Participate?

The questionnaire is open to all educators involved in teaching scientific content, including:

  • Primary, secondary, and higher education teachers
  • Vocational trainers
  • Extracurricular educators
  • Student teachers
  • Other educators

The insights gathered will support LOESS in creating resources that will be distributed through targeted campaigns and hands-on activities, ultimately enhancing soil literacy across Europe.

The survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete, is completely anonymous, and is available in 14 languages.

Your participation is more than just answering questions, it’s a contribution to a healthier planet and a more informed future generation.

Join this vital mission to enhance European soil literacy and education. Your expertise and insights are invaluable to the success of the LOESS project.

Participate in the survey today – click here!

For more information on the survey, click here.

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