The Western Balkans R&I Information Hub has been selected as one of the Danube Flagship Projects 2022

Danube Strategy Flagships are projects or processes that contribute to the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), have a clear macro-regional dimension and a multi-level governance approach. They are of high importance for the Danube Region’s economic, social and territorial cohesion and for improving the quality of life in the Danube Region.

The POLICY ANSWERS team is very proud of this selection and looks forward to further contributing to the EUSDR!

Danube Strategy Flagships strengthen internal and external communication of the Strategy and the visibility of the topics, initiatives and prospects in the Danube Region. They illustrate the progress achieved in implementing the EUSDR and demonstrate exemplarily significant improvement in the Region that is induced by cooperation.

EUSDR National Coordinators and Priority Area Coordinators with the respective Steering Groups, in their capacity as representatives and key implementers of the EUSDR, as well as the Danube Strategy Point, are committed to contribute to and promote Danube Strategy Flagships in accordance with the Guidance Paper for identifying and listing Danube Strategy Flagships.

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List of Danube Strategy Flagships 2022

Joint PA 1a & PA 11 Working Group on Administrative Processes

Fairway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Master Plan for the Danube and its navigable tributaries

Danube Region Transport Days (DRTD)

Danube Region Multimodal Corridors

SUSTANCE – Sustainable public transport solutions & innovative governance schemes for improving connectivity in Central Europe

Enhancing hydrogen economy in the EUSDR

Promote local low-carbon energy actions in the EUSDR

Diversification of gas supply in EUSDR

Sustain and better connect EUSDR Cultural routes

Danube Small Project Fund

Flagship process on adaptation to climate change

Flagship process on migratory fish

Flagship process on emerging substances

Disaster Management Working Group

Nature-based solutions for flood risk reduction

Improving the Safety of Tailings Management Facilities in the Danube River Basin

Priority Area 6 Task Forces – Stakeholder Involvement, multi-level governance, joint implementation

Danube Tech Valley Initiative

Multilateral Scientific and Technological Cooperation

>>>>>>>>>> Western Balkans R&I Information Hub <<<<<<<<<<<<

Danube Alliance for SME Competitiveness

Danube Region Platform on Centres of Vocational Excellence

European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training National Reference Points

ESF Managing Authorities Network in the Danube Region

EuroAccess Macro-Regions

(Danube) Participation Day

Collaboration for Dismantling Drugs Distribution and Illicit Laboratories (CO3DIL)

For more information, please consult the source page of this news:

Guidance Paper for identifying and listing Danube Strategy Flagships

List of Flagships 2022

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