The research of the prevalence of violence against women in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Short description of initiative/best practice

The research of the prevalence of violence against women in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) was initiated by the Agency for Gender Equality BiH, in cooperation with the Gender Centre of Republika Srpska (RS) and the Gender Centre of the Federation BiH (FBiH) and with support from UNFPA and UN Women. Additionally, the main basis for the research was provided by the statistical offices of RS and the FBiH. The main motivation for conducting the research stemmed from the need to generate a high-quality empirical basis for implementation of policies and measures aimed at combating violence against women which are in accordance with strategies for promotion of gender equality and strategies aimed at combating violence against women and domestic violence, both on national as well as entity levels.

Geographical focus:

Coordinating institution

Institution: Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of BiH

Source of information

web site of the Council of Europe International

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