Module 3. Circular Economy

In this module, Vojtech Vocesky, co-founder of INCIEN, a non-profit organisation engaged in innovative environmental solutions, acquaints the webinar participants with the notion of circular economy, why it is needed, and how to approach it. By getting introduced to the interplay of waste and resources in the circular economy and its repercussions in today’s and tomorrow’s business world, the participants are presented with the latest school of thought, cases of good practice, tools and pathways for businesses and entrepreneurs to get engaged in the topic. The interactive webinar provides micro and micro examples of the three pillars of circular economy: how we manage resources, make and use products, and how they are treated after use. It presents how business models, products, and materials could be designed to increase the use and reuse of materials, replicating the natural world where the concept of waste does not exist. The webinar also focuses on capacity building and developing competencies for women entrepreneurs and business members to be better positioned in the field of the circular economy.



