Youth Employment Programme

Description of the programme/policy

programme is aimed at increasing employment opportunities for young people in Serbia. The Youth Employment programme is in line with the European Union’s Youth Employment Initiative and the National Employment Strategy of Serbia. Its ultimate goal is to contribute to the social and economic development of the country by providing young people with opportunities to develop their potential and contribute to the growth of the Serbian economy.

Main objective of the programme/policy

The main objective of the Youth Employment Project (YEP) is to increase employment opportunities for young people in Serbia by strengthening the capacity of relevant institutions, creating a supportive environment for youth employment, and providing direct support to young people to help them enter the labour market.

Specific objective of the programme/policy

The specific objectives of YEP are to improve the employability of young people through training and other forms of support, to promote entrepreneurship among young people, to improve the quality and relevance of labour market information, and to strengthen the capacity of institutions involved in youth employment.

Geographical focus:

Thematic domains:

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