Strategic directions of higher education development in the Federation of BiH from 2012 to 2022

Description of the programme/policy

In accordance with identified needs, and based on set goals, the Federal Ministry of Education and Science proposes this Strategy for the development of higher education in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period from 2012 to 2022, which will include a series of activities required for comprehensive action implementation of the set goals, defined in the European area of ​​higher education.

Main objective of the programme/policy

The FMON will have a strong advisory and
coordinating role, connecting higher education institutions, cantonal ministries, and in the end
common interest, the development of higher education in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Specific objective of the programme/policy

Synergy and harmonisation of laws on higher education in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Promotion and support of higher education institutions – teaching and students, Science and research,Financing of higher education institutions and scientific research work, International cooperation and cooperation between higher education institutions in BiH.

Geographical focus:

Thematic domains:

Contact person

FMON website

Source of information

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