Smart Specialisation Strategy Serbia (S4)

Description of the programme/policy

The Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) is a framework for regional development that was introduced by the European Union in 2010. It aims to identify and support the development of areas of research and innovation that have a high potential for growth and competitiveness, and that are aligned with the strengths and opportunities of a particular region. The Smart specialisation Strategy of the Republic of Serbia (S4) was adopted in 2018 by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. The strategy aims to identify the key areas of research and innovation that will drive economic growth and development in Serbia.

Main objective of the programme/policy

The main objective of the Smart specialisation Strategy of the Republic of Serbia is to identify and support the development of areas of research and innovation that have the potential to drive economic growth and development in the country. The strategy aims to promote innovation and competitiveness by building on Serbia’s strengths and opportunities in four priority areas identified in the entrepreneurial discovery process (EDP): Food for Future, Information and Communications Technology, Future Machines and Manufacturing Systems, and Creative Industries

Specific objective of the programme/policy

The specific objectives of the strategy include:
Developing a research and innovation ecosystem, Increasing the competitiveness of Serbian firms (particularly SMEs), Improving the productivity and efficiency by promoting the adoption of new technologies and innovative practices, Promoting regional development by building on regional strengths and opportunities, Enhancing the skills and knowledge of the workforce in the priority areas, and promoting lifelong learning and continuous professional development, Increasing the amount and quality of research and development investment in the priority areas, Improving the regulatory environment for innovation and entrepreneurship, and promoting the development of supportive policies and measures.

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