Memorandum of cooperation in the field of safe management of chemicals and biocidal products

Description of the programme/policy

The signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation was held on 13.12.2021 at 10 a.m. in the premises of the Environmental Protection Agency between: the Environmental Protection Agency and the Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism, the Ministry of Health, the Faculty of Science and Mathematics – Department of Biology, the Faculty of Metallurgical Technology, the Institute for public health, the Institute for Medicines and Medical Devices, the Centre for Ecotoxicological Testing, the Administration for Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Affairs.

Main objective of the programme/policy

The main goal of the memorandum is for all signatory parties, respecting their competences, to improve and strengthen cooperation through joint action that will ensure the safe management of chemicals and biocidal products, and to ensure the smooth implementation of the adopted legal acquis in this area.

Specific objective of the programme/policy

Specific objectives of the memorandum are the expert assessment of data from the summary of biocidal product dossiers for licences issued in an EU member state and the preparation of an expert opinion

assessment of the biocide’s technical file when issuing a permit in order to assess the risk and determine its impact on human health, animals and the environment, possible impacts on target organisms, its effectiveness and risks during use

risk assessments of chemicals and biocidal products, depending on whether the risk is assessed on the basis of physico-chemical properties or properties that affect human health or the environment, or the assessment of the effectiveness of the biocidal product
preparation and submission of dossiers for the identification of substances of high concern,
education and information of target groups and professional users about environmental protection, their impact on health, as well as about the dangers and risks of chemicals from special hazard categories (mutagenic, carcinogenic, self-igniting and explosive substances) and biocidal products, etc.

Geographical focus:

Thematic domains:

Source of information

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