University of Tuzla

Geographical focus:

Thematic domains:

  • Research and Innovation

    The University of Tuzla is one of 8 public universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The University of Tuzla contributes to the development and strengthening of academic capacities, the construction and progress of society. It is the center of scientific and intellectual activities, with an irreplaceable role in education. 

  • Education

    The University of Tuzla is a higher education institution with 12 faculty members and one academy. With his previous work, he strives to contribute to the education and development of the young population, and this is proven by his constant efforts to ensure the education system and the study of various areas of interest to young people as well as BiH.

  • Culture

    The University of Tuzla provides significant support to the development of culture and art, and this is reflected in the support of workshops, book promotions, heritage preservation and the development of the acting population who have the opportunity to study at the Academy of Dramatic Arts.

  • Youth

    The University of Tuzla is a leading institution in the city of Tuzla, which gathers the largest number of young people eager for knowledge and skills. In addition to basic student support services, the University has also developed a Support Center that, in addition to regular activities, provides support to students with special needs.

  • Sports

    The Faculty of Sports and Physical Education operates within the University of Tuzla. The faculty has at its disposal an Information and Diagnostic Center, as an important prerequisite for the development of sports and sports skills, as well as well equipped amphitheater and modernly equipped sports halls. Students are trained to organize and conduct extracurricular activities at every level of education, as well as to organize numerous sports and recreational activities for participants of educational programmes in the city, municipality, canton and state.

  • Healthy Societies

    As a scientific-teaching organisational unit of the University of Tuzla, the Faculty of Medicine organises and conducts classes in biomedicine and healthcare, the field of basic, clinical and public health sciences. It aims to accept, develop, apply and improve modern forms of education, based on learning outcomes, in the center of which will be students, training them to provide superior health care. 

Address / Location

Dr. Tihomila Markovića br.1,  Tuzla, BiH

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