Geographical focus:
Thematic domains:
- Research and Innovation
As a tertiary healthcare institution, UKC RS is conducting regular activities in domain with their patients including the clinical trials.
- Education
UKC RS is a teaching base of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Banja Luka, as significant number of specialists working in UKC RS are at the same time professors at the Faculty. Also, students and pupils (secondary medical school Banja Luka) are using premises of UKC RS for conducting the practical work within their domains.
- Healthy Societies
UKC RS is established as public institution. It is well linked with other institutions in the field of health and medicine and employes more than 3000 professionals, nurses and other employees. Due to its nature, UKC RS pays a lot of attention to ethics and professional improvement of staff. It provides tertiery level healthcare, and works on the R&I activities aimed at improvement of clinical practices and improvement of patient care.