The Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports of the RS (MPOS)

Geographical focus:

Thematic domains:

  • Youth

    Department for youth performs administrative and other professional tasks relating to the following: •determination of National Action Plan and Youth Policy of the Republic and taking care of its application; • creation of the assumptions for solution of youth issues – employment of the young, improvement of their social status, inclusion into society; • realisation of youth projects; • encouraginng an active participation of the young in society; • establishment of youth centers; • cooperation with youth organisations; • international cooperation in the domain of organisation and activity of the youth.

  • Sports

    Department for sport performs administrative and other professional tasks relating to the following: • creation of conditions for development of sports at the level of the Republic and its legal regulations; • determining the Strategy of Development of Sports in the Republic and monitoring the realisation of strategic and programme tasks; • realisation of international cooperation, independently or through joint bodies of BiH; • preparing short-term and long-term plans (Olympic cycle) for development of sports of the Republic and programmes of development of sports and collection of funds for their realisation; • determining the criteria for their distribution and monitoring the purposeful spending of these funds; • creation of the conditions for improvement of professional work; • determation of the condition of the sports facilities and the need for new ones; • creating the assumptions for usage of sports facilities and fields; • registration of sports organisations and other organisations in sport; • collection and processing of statistical data and keeping overall informatics in sports; • coordination of work of branch sports associations of the Republic, city and municipality and competent bodies; • supervision over work of sports organisations and other organisations in sport; • preparation of legal and sublegal deeds from the domain of Ministry and other tasks in accordance with the law.

Address / Location

Trg Republike Srpske 1, 78000 Banja Luka

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