Thematic domains:
- Research and Innovation
The primary responsibilities of the PMO are to draft and coordinate strategic documents in accordance with the general priorities of the Government. In this context, the PMO is preparing the strategy for Smart Specialization and is coordinating the National Development Strategy, which contains a chapter on Research and Innovations.
- Education
Policy coordination and implementation in the filed of Education
- Culture
Policy coordination and implementation in the filed of Culture
- Youth
Policy coordination and implementation in the filed of youth development
- Sports
Policy coordination and implementation in the filed of Sports
- Green Deal
It is responsible for the drafting and coordination of activities related to the Green Deal
- Digitalisation
It is responsible for drafting the Smart specialization strategy (the first strategy in Kosovo)
- Healthy Societies
PMO has created a joint committee with the Ministry of Health to draft a new agenda regarding public health in Kosovo.
- Underrepresented Groups and Gender Equality
PMO through the Office for Gender Equality, coordinates and implements laws and policies that focus on gender equality.