Mother Tereza University – Skopje

Geographical focus:

Thematic domains:

  • Research and Innovation

    the Mother Teresa University is a public university which offers education in the natural and the social sciences through its five faculties and enhances research activity among its students and staff.

  • Education

    the Mother Teresa University is a public university which offers education in the natural and the social sciences through its five faculties and enhances research activity among its students and staff.

  • Youth

    Formal education provider for youth

  • Green Deal

    conducting relevant research, HE curricula

  • Digitalisation

    conducting relevant research, HE curricula

  • Healthy Societies

    conducting relevant research, HE curricula

  • Underrepresented Groups and Gender Equality

    inclusion in tertiary education

Address / Location

Mirche Acev no., 1000 Sopje

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