Ministry of Sports and Youth

Geographical focus:

Thematic domains:

  • Culture

    Public interest in the field of youth policy is represented by: creation and improvement of youth policy: - encouraging the inclusion of young people in the creation of cultural content; - encouraging youth mobility; - encouraging the inclusion of young people in informal education;

  • Youth

    Public interest in the field of youth policy is represented by: creation and improvement of youth policy: - establishing an institutional framework for the implementation of youth policy; - encouraging the proactive participation of young people in the creation and implementation of youth policy at the state and local level; - educating young people about the mechanisms of their inclusion in active employment measures; - promotion of healthy lifestyles and volunteerism among young people;

  • Sports

    The Ministry of Sports and Youth deals with issues of allocation of funds to sports organisations, promoting and encouraging the growth and development of this categories in Montenegro. In addition, they actively cooperate with organisations such as RYCO, planning and organizing a series of activities.

Address / Location

28 Novaka Miloševa, Podgorica, Montenegro

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