Ministry for European Integration of Republic of Serbia

Geographical focus:

Thematic domains:

  • Research and Innovation

    The Ministry of European Integration could promote policies and programs that support research and development, as well as digitalization, in order to align Serbia's economy and industry with EU standards.

  • Education

    The Ministry of European Integration could work to promote European values, languages, and cultural heritage in Serbia through education

  • Culture

    The Ministry of European Integration could work to promote European values, languages, and cultural heritage in Serbia through cultural programms.

  • Youth

    The Ministry of European Integration could promote youth sports programs and activities that align with EU policies and standards.

  • Green Deal

    The Ministry of European Integration works to align Serbia's environmental policies and practices with EU standards, which would support the Green Deal.

  • Healthy Societies

    The Ministry of European Integration aligns Serbia's health policies and practices with EU standards, which would promote healthy societies.

  • Underrepresented Groups and Gender Equality

    The Ministry of European Integration could work to ensure that EU policies and programs related to underrepresented groups and gender equality are implemented in Serbia.

Address / Location

Nemanjina 34, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

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