Thematic domains:
- Green Deal
The Ministry performs the tasks of: environmental protection, the system of environmental protection and improvement, national parks, inspection supervision in the field of environmental protection, application of the results of scientific and technological research, conventions on the areas of environmental protection and research, in the field of environmental protection and research, information and the right to legal protection in the field of the environment, nature protection, air protection, protection of the ozone layer, climate change, cross-border air and water pollution, protection of water from pollution in order to prevent the deterioration of the quality of surface and underground water, determination of environmental protection conditions in spatial planning and construction of buildings, protection against major chemical accidents and participation in the response in case of chemical accidents, protection against noise and vibrations, protection against ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, management of chemicals and biocidal products, implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention, waste management, with the exception of radioactive waste, creation of conditions for access and implementation of projects within the purview of that ministry that are financed from the funds of pre-accession funds of the European Union, donations and other forms of development assistance; approval of cross-border transport of waste and protected plant and animal species.
- Healthy Societies
The ministry's work has an impact on the quality and health of people. Without health environment the is no healthy societies.