International Slavic Univesrity – Sveti Nikole

Geographical focus:

Thematic domains:

  • Research and Innovation

    The International Slavic University (ISU) “Gavrilo Romanovic Derzhavin” has two campuses in Sveti Nikole and Bitola. The University is comprised of five universities and two institutes (Institutes of Engineering Economics and Institute of Culture and Art).

  • Education

    The International Slavic University (ISU) “Gavrilo Romanovic Derzhavin” has two campuses in Sveti Nikole and Bitola. The University is comprised of five universities and two institutes (Institutes of Engineering Economics and Institute of Culture and Art).

  • Youth

    Formal education provider for youth

  • Green Deal

    economics study program

  • Digitalisation

    computer science studies

  • Underrepresented Groups and Gender Equality

    inclusion in tertiary education

Address / Location

Marshal Tito no.77, 2220 St. Nikole

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