Geographical focus:
Thematic domains:
- Research and Innovation
Development of information technologies and encouragement of digital transformation in segments such as research and development, digitalisation of industry, digitalisation of the economy and public administration, as well as encouraging the use of digital tools and services by the population. The are 2 main fields: Research and development: 1)Research AI/Machine learning AI/Big Data&Analytics IoT development Robotics New technologies Infrastructure Blockchain technologz Video games/3D, VR, Ar 2)Development E-government Web, mobile apps and software development Telecommunication Online advertising platform Cloud and Software Engineering Big Data Dizajn, UX and branding Marketing and Advertising
- Digitalisation
ICT Cortex brings together renowned companies and communities in Montenegro, which recognized the importance and need for the existence of our organisation for the digital development of Montenegro. Synergistic action creates new business opportunities and contributes to the digital transformation at the national level, and also promotes Montenegro at the international level as an important country for IT investments.