Faculty of Information Technology, Laboratory of Multimedia and Digital TV (DIMTV), “Aleksandër Moisiu” University Durrës

Geographical focus:

Thematic domains:

  • Research and Innovation

    Innovation and implementation of Multimedia and Digital Television (MDTV) study in Albania and Kosovo.And developing a new Professional Master curriculum in MDTV with specialized directions in Production and Post-Production, 3D Animation, and Image Processing.

  • Education

    Faculty branch of the University of Durres 'Aleksander Moisiu'.As mentioned above.

  • Youth

    Teaching and professionally improving youth . Erasmus plus mobility

  • Digitalisation

    digitalisation of data related to educational and inovational structure are a primary objective of the university.

  • Underrepresented Groups and Gender Equality

    The Code of Ethics is intended to establish rules of conduct for personnel academic and non-academic and of students, according to established standards, in accordance with the spirit of professional and moral ethics of the university and with academic freedom.

Address / Location

Durres, Albania

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