Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary – University of Pristina “Hasan Prishtina (FAV)

Geographical focus:

Thematic domains:

  • Research and Innovation

    The FAV is the only public institution for higher education in the field of Agriculture and Veterinary in Kosovo. The academic staff is in charge of teaching and research activities related to the plant production, economics af agriculture, animal production, veterinary medicine, food sciences, applied sciences in zootechnics. and urban agriculture.

  • Education

    The FAV provides studies in both degrees, bachelor and master. In addition, it continuously adopts new curricula and teaching texhniques to keep updated with the new developments n the field.

  • Healthy Societies

    The FAV is continuously engaged to contribute for a sustainable development of agriculture, a pre-requisite fror healthier societites in the future.

Address / Location

Bill Clinton Blv, NN, 10000 Pristina, Kosovo

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