European Research Executive Agency

Thematic domains:

  • Research and Innovation

    Mandated by the European Commission to support the EU Research and Innovation policy, the European Research Executive Agency (REA), funds high-quality research and innovation projects that generate knowledge for the benefit of society. The REA also manages promotion measures concerning agricultural products.

  • Education

    Supports research infractures, mobility schemes and collaborative research where the education sector is one of the main beneficiaries.

  • Culture

    Horizon Europe - Cluster 2: “Culture, creativity and inclusive society”, managed by REA, among other supports projects for cultural transformation, focusing on the European cultural heritage and the cultural and creative industries.

  • Youth

    Young students participate as part of the research teams, as well as in the new initiative - Horizon Europ Young observers that empowers them to learn more on the funding process.

  • Green Deal

    Supporting research in environment and bio economy, environmental impact as a cross-cutting issue. Under the latest EU mission - Soil deal for Europe, REA funds research and innovation projects to restore and protect the health of soils in Europe and beyond, to ensure safe food and water, ecosystems and resilience towards natural disasters.

  • Digitalisation

    REA funding programmes put a strong focus on the technologies development and use for supporting the digital age.

  • Underrepresented Groups and Gender Equality

    Supports different actions for promoting gender equality across the European Research Area. Emphasizes strongly the need for gender equality in the research proposals, promotes the introduction of Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) by Horizon Europe beneficiaries.

Address / Location

Place Rogier 16 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel Belgium

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