European Philosophy of Science Association

Thematic domains:

  • Research and Innovation

    The Association aims to advance the European tradition in philosophy of science. This is achieved by promoting international philosophical and scientific exchanges on all levels, and by supporting the progress of philosophical studies and their communication to the academic world and the educated public.

  • Education

    Provides resources for inclusive teaching as well as mentoring scheme. EPSA mentoring scheme is open to all EPSA members. It is designed in the first instance to help junior/early-career scholars, especially those currently working or aiming to work in Europe. However, the scheme may also be of use to senior academics who are moving to or around Europe and need advice from a peer.

  • Youth

    EPSA's Fellowship Scheme provides junior philosophers working in Central and Eastern Europe with the opportunity to visit a leading research institution in Western Europe.

  • Underrepresented Groups and Gender Equality

    Promote networking, research collaboration, and informal peer mentoring among women and other under-represented groups in philosophy of science

Address / Location

Département de Philosophie Ecole Normale Supérieure - Université Paris Sciences et Lettres 45, rue d'Ulm Paris (75005), France

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