Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

Thematic domains:

  • Research and Innovation

    EACEA strives to support in the areas of education, training, youth, sport, audiovisual, culture, citizenship and humanitarian aid

  • Education

    EACEA supports implementation and management of the EU Erasmus+ programme dedicated to the suppor of education, training, youth and sport in Europe. They manage the Erasmus+ programme’s Eurydice network, which provides reliable and comparable information on European education systems and policies. EACEA also publishes numerous studies and analysis of education systems each year.

  • Culture

    EACEA manages the Creative Europe programme supports Europe’s culture and audiovisual sectors by providing funding for cultural and creative organisations, cinemas and films.

  • Youth

    EACEA manages the European Solidarity Corps programme which promotes solidarity in European society. The programme helps young people take part in projects that benefit communities - abroad and in their own country. Also, the EACEA manages Youth Wiki platform, which serves as Europe’s online encyclopaedia of national youth policies.

  • Sports

    Within the Erasmus+ programme, EACEA supports projects from the domain of sports.

Address / Location

European Commission, European Education and Culture Executive Agency, Rue Joseph II 59, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

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