Thematic domains:

  • Research and Innovation

    The European Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations’ mission is to take forward the EU's Neighbourhood and Enlargement policies. By implementing assistance actions in Europe's eastern and southern neighbourhood, DG NEAR supports reform and democratic consolidation, and strengthens the prosperity, stability and security around Europe. DG NEAR helps to promote EU values, policies and interests in this region, and to contribute to developing the special relationship of the EU with its neighbouring countries.

  • Education

    DG NEAR supports a wide range of projects related to education. This includes the (re)construction of educational infrastructure to the provision of education for refugee children.

  • Youth

    A large number of DG NEAR projects target youth and young people, either directly through e.g. youth labs or indirectly by strengthening civil society.

  • Green Deal

    Evaluate the programmes related to the Green Deal (e.g. Ex-post evaluation of IPA's). The important objective are the external communication activities which promote the alignment of partner countries with the European Green Deal, including but not limited to EU climate goals and actions, raise awareness about it amongst citizens and stakeholders, and counter disinformation and false narratives. Main interventions and policy outputs are the design and implementation of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans.

  • Digitalisation

    DG NEAR works to support partners in their efforts to reduce their digital gap with the Union (activities focus on strengthening the institutional capacities in the area of e-governance and data protection, and support the development of digital skills and high tech entrepreneurship). In the Western Balkans, the Commission will continue its support for the uptake of digital opportunities: Digital infrastructure and connectivity; Digital skills and competence; Trustworthy regional space; Conducive and competitive environment for innovative businesses; Resilient cyber space.

Address / Location

Rue de la Loi 15/ Wetstraat 15, B-1049 Bruxelles/Brussel

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