Danube Region Strategy Point

Thematic domains:

  • Research and Innovation

    Within the Priority Area 7 – KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY they promote investment in research and innovation infrastructures, capacities and skills: support the creation of new centres of excellence by 2030 as lighthouse projects for the modernization of the R&I system; support applications in the framework of Horizon’s “Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation” to research institutions in less performing countries; use European networking schemes such as COST and TWINNING as platforms for creating better connectivity between Danube research institutions; encourage research and academia in participating in transnational clusters; make use of the European University Business Cooperation Framework (2018 study, Country reports 2017, University Business Fora)

  • Education

    Within their Priority Area 9 - People and skills they strengthen regional exchange, peer learning and cooperation in projects and networks (at least one activity and/or one new project/initiative per year) and make available a Danube Region monitoring tool on current developments in education and training systems. Also strengthen working together on similar policy challenges and make use of the potential of the Erasmus+ programme to increase the impact of macro-regional cooperation among education and training institutions (at least one activity and/or one new project/initiative per year)

  • Culture

    They support for contemporary arts to tackle the impact of the pandemic crisis, through creative industries, innovation and inter-sectorial specialization (COVID19 recovery purpose);Promote sustainable tourism in the Danube Region and capitalise on EUSDR projects in the areas of culture, nature and tourism; Support and promote cultural tourism in the Danube Region; Invest in sustainable quality products, services, innovative forms and infrastructure in the fields of tourism and culture, promote skills, education and creating jobs in the related areas; Develop a “Smart Destination Danube”; Promote and encourage the development of the cultural activities and creative sectors; Promote cultural heritage in the Danube Region

  • Youth

    Within Priority Area 7 – KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY they support projects that aim at making the Danube Region more attractive for especially young and female researchers, supporting brain circulation and preventing brain drain, and within Priority Area 10 – INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY AND COOPERATION their tagregt is to support the empowerment of young people for participation in the development of the Danube Region through strategic guidance and the implementation of macro-regional networks.

  • Green Deal

    Broadly, their Priority Area 2 – SUSTAINABLE ENERGY, Priority Area 4 – WATER QUALITY and Pririty area 6 - BIODIVERSITY AND LANDSCAPES, QUALITY OF AIR AND SOILS correspond to the aims of the Green Deal concerning the cleaner energy and cutting-edge clean technological innovation, fresh air, clean water, healthy soil and biodiversity.

  • Digitalisation

    Within Priority Area 9 – PEOPLE AND SKILLS their target is to implement and maintain a “Working Group Digitalisation” together with Social Partners (one meeting per year); and within Priority area 10 - INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY AND COOPERATION the target is to build capacities for efficient, effective and transparent public administration through e-Government/digitalisation of public services

  • Underrepresented Groups and Gender Equality

    Within their Priority Area 9 – PEOPLE AND SKILLS they target to implement a “Network Empowering Roma” together with PA10 (through at least one stakeholder meeting per year).

Address / Location

Danube Strategy Point City of Vienna / EU-Funding Agency Kirchberggasse 33-35/9 1070 Vienna, Austria

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