Aleksander Moisiu University

Geographical focus:

Thematic domains:

  • Research and Innovation

    The transformation of Aleksandër Moisiu University into a research-based university; drafting, in cooperation with the National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation (AKKSHI), the evaluation criteria of a university based on scientific research and the orientation of all teaching and research-scientific work in their fulfillment; turning UAMD into a national model and beyond.

  • Education

    It’s the newest public academic institution of the Republic of Albania, AMJ has thre campuses , it includes six faculties.The Faculty of Business The Faculty of Political Sciences and Law The Faculty of Information and Communications Technology The Faculty of Education The Faculty of Professional Studies The Faculty of Integrated Studies with Practice ( FASTIP) The Branch of Peshkopia

  • Culture

    Cultural heritage programme,maritime.

  • Youth

    Erasmus plus, student exchange programme to support education and scholarship.

  • Digitalisation

    digitalisation of data related to educational and inovational structure are a primary objective of the university.

  • Underrepresented Groups and Gender Equality

    The Code of Ethics is intended to establish rules of conduct for personnel academic and non-academic and of students, according to established standards, in accordance with the spirit of professional and moral ethics of the university and with academic freedom.

Address / Location

Municipality of Durres, Albania

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