Agency for Youth and Sport

Geographical focus:

Thematic domains:

  • Education

    The Agency for Youth and Sports is an independent public body with a jurisdiction on advancing all aspects of life of youth on national level. It implements activities on the psycho-physical development of youth, protection and prevention of related to health, addiction, prostitution, crime and other sociopathic issues, takes care of the status of youth, it enhances and supports various forms of youth organized action, implements activities on creating conditions to retaining capable and talented youth in the country and stimulates their return, it monitors sport activities, sport excellence, etc. The Agency supports informal and non-formal education activities in all the areas under its jurisdiction.

  • Culture

    The Agency for Youth and Sports is an independent public body with a jurisdiction on advancing all aspects of life of youth on national level. It implements activities on the psycho-physical development of youth, protection and prevention of related to health, addiction, prostitution, crime and other sociopathic issues, takes care of the status of youth, it enhances and supports various forms of youth organized action, implements activities on creating conditions to retaining capable and talented youth in the country and stimulates their return, it monitors sport activities, sport excellence, etc. The Agency also supports cutural activites of youth.

  • Youth

    main agency for youth

  • Sports

    main agency for sport

  • Digitalisation

    digital skills in youth

  • Healthy Societies

    youth related

  • Underrepresented Groups and Gender Equality

    inclusion of youth

Address / Location

Macedonia st. 38, 1000 Skopje

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