Geographical focus:
Thematic domains:
- Research and Innovation
In accordance with the Framework Law on Higher Education the Agency is competent to propose general guidelines and criteria based on which funds from the budget of the institutions of BiH may be allocated to higher education institutions for the purpose of scientific research
- Education
In accordance with the Framework Law on Higher Education the Agency is competent to: set clear, transparent and accessible criteria for accreditation of higher education institutions and adoption of norms setting minimum standards in the field of higher education, set quality standards, quality analyses, give recommendations for removal of shortcomings in the quality of studies and higher education institutions,
- Underrepresented Groups and Gender Equality
The HEA signed the memorandum of cooperation on the project University and Gender Mainstreaming (UNIGEM) dealing with issues of gender equality and gender-based violence at universities in BiH and the region in the next four years. The UNIGEM project is supported by the Government of the United Kingdom, and the coordinator is the TPO Foundation from Sarajevo.