Adriatic University

Geographical focus:

Thematic domains:

  • Research and Innovation

    The University of Adriatic is closely connected with research, considering that they are active participants in a large number of international exchanges of researchers, PhD students, PhD's whose main goal is the exchange of experiences and improvement of research work. In addition, as partners in various international projects, they organize Info days on strengthening cooperation in the field of research and innovation and make open calls for programmes closely related to innovation, thus encouraging their development.

  • Education

    The mission of the University is based on three basic components of higher education, which include: teaching-scientific (educational) work, scientific-research work and community service. The three listed components of the University's mission include the following: -higher education, both through the teaching process and through the scientific research process, talented young professionals (students), as well as adults, in all areas of teaching at the University, which means regular and lifelong education and knowledge innovation; - provide a functional synthesis of traditional and innovative education, enabling its students to acquire applicable knowledge and diplomas for a new time that is characterized by a global and multidisciplinary approach to social processes; - permanent development and improvement of scientific research work at the University; training (education) and involvement of as many young people as possible (assistants and other young people) in this process;

  • Youth

    permanent development and improvement of scientific research work at the University; training (education) and involvement of as many young people as possible (assistants and other young people) in this process;

  • Underrepresented Groups and Gender Equality

    Adriatic University is one of the institutions that plans to develop a Gender Equality Plan

Address / Location

Šetalište Kralja Nikole Potkovica D1, Marina Bar 85000 Bar Montenegro

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