Western Balkans Steering Platform Meeting related to Education, Youth, Sport and Culture

On 31 March The European Commission, DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture organised a meeting of its Western Balkans Steering Platform Meeting to discuss on Culture policies, Creative Programme as well as Training and Youth related initiative.

The event was held online and was upon invitation only.

09:30 – 09:50Welcome remarks and introduction NO TIMERFilip Van Depoele, Head of Unit ‘International Cooperation’, EC DG EACRuta Zarnauskaite, Head of Unit ‘Horizon Europe Association’, EC DG R&IMiroslav Veskovic, ‘Inter-institutional, International Relations and Out-reach’, EC DG JRCAdrienn Kiraly, Adviser, Western Balkans Strategy, EC DG NEARAline Humbert, French Presidency of the Council of the EU
09:50 – 10:30 Towards the Ministerial Meetings of the Western Balkans Platforms on Education and Training, Research and Innovation & CultureEC DG EAC NO TIMER
10:30 – 10:50Update on Culture policy and Creative Europe programmeHelene Skikos, Creative Europe Programme Manager, EC DG EAC 5 minOlivier Fontaine, Cultural Policy Officer, EC DG EAC 5 minTour de Table 20 min
10:50 – 11:15 Dinaric Perspectives on TIMSS 2019 (Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science) in South-Eastern Europe & update on progress on TIMSS 2023 and ICILS 2023 (International Computer and Information Literacy Study)Paula Korsnakova, IEA (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement) 15 minQ&A, general discussion 10 min
11:15 – 11:30Technical Break 
11:30 – 12:15Update on Youth policy and 2022 European Year of YouthJacob Kornbeck, Policy Officer, Youth Policy Unit, EC DG EAC 10 minJulia Tief, Policy Assistant, EC DG EAC 10 minFanny Seree, Policy Assistant, EC DG NEAR 10 minTour de Table 15min
12:15-12:30 Closing remarksEC DG EAC

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