Green Agenda for the Western Balkans (GAWB) and its Action Plan

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The Green Agenda for the Western Balkans is a regional strategy focusing on sustainable economy in line with the European Green Deal. It aligns the region with the EU’s ambition to make Europe carbon-neutral by 2050. It was endorsed at the Sofia Summit in 2020. The Action Plan was endorsed at the Brdo Summit in October 2021.

The documents are based on intense consultations with stakeholders in a drafting process coordinated by the RCC.

The objectives are focused on:

  • Cleaning energy sources & protecting the climate
  • Moving to a circular economy
  • Depolluting air, water, and soil
  • Building sustainable agriculture & food systems
  • Protecting biodiversity and ecosystems

The Action Plan includes 58 actions and 7 roadmaps for implementation related to topics of climate policy, sustainable energy, sustainable mobility, circular economy, depollution, sustainable agriculture and food supply and protection of nature and biodiversity.

For more information, please refer to the RCC as source page.

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