European Commission (EC)

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The European Commission is the executive body of the European Union (EU) and made up of 27 commissioners nominated by the Member States (MS). It drafts proposals for new European laws, manages the day-to-day business of implementing EU policies and spending of EU funds. The Commission is appointed for a five-year term by the Council acting by qualified majority in agreement with the MS. It is subject to a vote of appointment by the European Parliament, to which it is answerable. The Commissioners are assisted by an administration made up of Directorates-General and specialised departments.

The  EC  is,  needless  to  say,  a  key stakeholder  of  the  European Research Area (ERA) as it is in charge to implement the decisions  taken by the European Council and the Parliament. The European Commission designs, in consultation with other stakeholders, and implements e.g. the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation and is a funder or co-funder of many of the key instruments related to research, innovation, education, youth and sports in the Western Balkans.

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