Horizon WIDERA 2023 Call – Dissemination and Exploitation Support Facility

30 November 2022 - 28 September 2023


This action will be implemented as a CSA awarded to a consortium of at least three entities with a proven track record of success in D&E and related training, communication and networking. The consortium will establish a facility including training, upskilling, best practice sharing, knowledge exchange and community of practice building for beneficiaries of the widening countries with a first priority to beneficiaries of ongoing or completed widening projects funded under Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe (this action could be extended to other H2020 and HE beneficiaries in widening countries if budget cannot be exhausted by the widening portfolio). The scope of the services includes the valorisation of research results that were not immediately generated within a widening action but in a related domain under a different funded action. The consortium has to ensure that the developed services are addressing the full geographic scope of the widening countries including Outermost Regions.

Expected Outcome

Improving knowledge diffusion, technology uptake and having spill-over effects is fundamental to ensure that researchers and their institutions build on and valorise the latest available knowledge. Moreover, the exploitation of research results and the creation of value for our economy and society, often depend on the skills and abilities of the beneficiaries as well as the intermediaries (i.e. technology/knowledge transfer officers) to present and connect to those stakeholders that can help them take the results into the next level. Especially in widening countries, R&I actors lack sufficient support and information, skills or connections to the right stakeholders and these gaps can jeopardise their ability to maximise the potential value of their results.

Dissemination & Exploitation (D&E) policy of Horizon Europe can act as an enabler for the implementation of the political objectives of this programme component. Therefore, this action focusses on activities to strengthen or build D&E capacities in widening countries. It will provide beneficiaries of the ongoing portfolio of projects funded mainly under the programmes: Spreading excellence and Widening Participation under Horizon 2020 and the widening component of Horizon Europe with further opportunities for scaling up their research results and improve the sustainability of their actions. This includes innovations that can translate into

/ contribute to new products and services that create economic or social value, more efficient production or distribution processes; and results that can feed into policymaking and help citizens and public authorities. The action is framed by a broader D&E policy and will support our beneficiaries towards the maximum dissemination and exploitation of their results in the context of Horizon Europe.


View the Call in the Funding and Tenders Portal

Find all details and extensive information about the Call under the Horizon Widera Work Programme 2023-2024

Geographical focus:

Thematic domains: